Message from the East

Here is a preview of June’s message.


We’ve learned some new catch phrases over the past few months. Whether we agree with them or not, they have shaped how we live in these trying times.

We have not had the opportunity to meet as friends…as Brothers since March 9th, 2020. That was the last time the gavel sounded at Mariners Lodge. However, there is more to masonry than reciting ritual, wearing a hat and conducting a business meeting. We are still doing good work for our Lodge, our Brethren and the community because of those who make the choice to do something when sometimes … nothing can be done … when hope seems lost. A Brother once told me, “A Mason turns every day ordinary into extraordinary,” and that is what we set out to do.

Being away from friends and dealing with the new normal has been stressful for many. The fear of what the future holds can be taxing at times. This can be the lowest point emotionally for some. We must not forget that we have the charity of our Brothers even if it is just a reminder that they are there for you when you must be there for others.

The Apostle Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 5:19. “Don’t put out the Spirit’s fire.” Don’t let apathy caused by the current pandemic extinguish the fire and fervor in your life.

It was a chilly evening. Two Brothers were sitting before a blazing fire. Both men did not speak. They just stared at the burning embers as the flames danced around the burning logs. One Brother took the fire tongs and pulled out a brightly burning ember and set it aside all alone in the cold air, then sat back down in his chair without uttering a word.

The other Brother just watched the ember quietly … studying it. The ember began to cool and its glow diminished. There was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. The ember had gone cold and dead.

Still nothing was said, but the one Brother must be going. He picked up the cold dead ember and placed it back in the fire. Immediately it began to glow once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. Just before the Brother left, his host thanked him for his lesson.
Multiple sources – original unknown – paraphrased

We are not alone. We are one. Never forget that every single one of us is here for each other even if it is just a friendly text, call, email or social distance visit.

Our Smoker Raffle seems to be a huge success. A BIG thank you to WB Jeff “The Mini Legend” Rawley and Dave Rosen for organizing, everyone else who sold tickets and those who bailed out DB Tony so he could cover!

Cigar Night is scheduled to happen on June 13th. The event may be moved to a later date. I and the Senior Warden will communicate with WB Pete about the event.

WB Steven Metelski, Jr.,
Worshipful Master, Mariners Lodge 150 “The Roarin’ 20’s”

2020 Easter Food Drive

The 2020 Easter Food Drive is under way.
Lets make Easter more comfortable for those in need!

Easter is April 12, 2020. Mariners Lodge No. 150 F&AM is accepting non-perishable food items that will be donated to the food bank behind our building. We will accept Turkeys closer to Easter so that they can be kept fresh.

Mariners Lodge is accessible on the First Monday of every month.

Mariners is also accessible between the hours of 6:00PM and 7:30 PM on the second and fourth Mondays of every month.

Please contact WB Jeff Rawley, Bro. Tom Kastka, Bro. Dave Rosen or WB Doug Harper if you need to make other arrangements to gain access to the building to drop off food.

Message from the East

I did not really know John Kaiser like some of you did.
We talked and exchanged pleasantries, but never got
into discussions about life where you really get to know
someone. He always complimented me on my work or
how I carried myself. He always told me, “You’re going
to be a good master, Steve.” I hope I can live up to his
expectations. He was a central piece to our Lodge. He
transcended all adversity and was loved by everyone.
He never had anything bad to say about something and
always had something good to say about everyone.
His seat was occupied by Bro. Robert Golomb for our
Master Mason degree in November. He did a fantastic
job. John would have been proud to witness his
performance. John’s seat was vacant for our meeting in
December. It has been vacant before, but this time the
silence meant something different. We all noticed it, but
no one openly acknowledged it. It was just something
that was understood. John, you will be missed…
“You are not better than anybody else. You just
might be luckier…”
This is the one piece of advice my future father-in-law
Michael Hogan gave me when I first met him when I
was 17. He gave me a lot of advice, but this is one
piece of advice that stuck with me and shaped how I
live my life.
Mariners Lodge is committed to helping those less
fortunate than us. Especially in times where family is
missed the most, or that time with family can be made
that much better. An Easter food drive is currently
underway to provide food for the needy. Our normal
events are being scheduled and we plan to add others
to ensure Mariners is in the background while keeping
our good work in the foreground.
Degrees are scheduled for the second meeting in
January (EA), February (FC), and March (MM). Come on
out and support our new brethren. Educational and fun
programs will also be offered.
Worshipful Brother Mitchell and those before him have
kept Mariners strong. I hope to continue their tradition
by providing cohesion with the officers, communication
with Past Masters and serving the brethren.
I would like to thank the Past Masters for the advice I
have received and am about to receive, my officers for
being there even when I felt I was asking too much of
them and the brethren as a whole for electing me as
Master of Mariners Lodge
“You are not better than anyone else. You might just
be luckier…”

I am very lucky to be your Worshipful Master

Fraternally and respectfully,
Worshipful Master Steven Metelski Jr.

Upcoming Events ~ Mark your Calendar!

October 28 th – Regular Meeting
November 4 th – Craftsman’s club
November 10 th – Past Masters Brunch – 10am
November 11 th – Regular Meeting, Elections, FC Proficiencies
November 13 th – Rehearsal for MM Degree
November 17 th – Rehearsal for MM Degree
November 18 th – DLI – Mariners – QUALIFICATIONS
November 20 th – Rehearsal for MM Degree
November 24 th – Rehearsal for MM Degree
November 25 th – Regular Meeting, MM Degree (Bank, Cruetz, Chiapetta, Wolfschmidt) – Qualification of
incoming WM (PM’s only)
December 2 nd – Craftsmans Club
December 7 th – Installation of officers 1pm
December 9 th – Annual Communication
December 21 st – Breakfast with Santa 8am