Spring is just around the corner. In a few weeks the world will waken anew, the flowers will bloom, and life will spring forth. As the season turns and we exit our winter burrows, it’s the perfect time of year to awaken our Masonic selves. If the mortar of your Masonic self has become worn, or the stones are loose, or have rough edges, this is the perfect time to pick up your gavel, square, and trowel, and reshape and reset those stones, and, if you want your work to be Square, don’t cut corners.
If you are a regular attendee of Lodge we look forward to seeing you during the coming months. If you haven’t been to Lodge for a while, why not come out and see what’s happening at Mariners? You might see a friend you haven’t seen for a while. If you would like to attend Lodge and and cannot get there yourself, please call me directly. I will arrange to have you driven both ways.
For those looking for new ways to help the Lodge and the brethren, RW Brother John Kaiser is assembling a list of skills and talents (even hobbies) each of us might be willing to use to help a brother in need. this is intended to be a directory of things we can do to help each other, not a for-profit business listing. If you have a skill you are willing to list, please contact RW Brother Kaiser directly at:
“Man has always sought the Fountain of Youth, and has never found it. Those who work with young people, however, know that to stay young is nothing more than thinking young, being part of what is going on now, and staying close to the aspirations and enthusiasms of the young.”
– Brother Henry Clausen
Fraternally and Sincerely,
Doug Harper, WM 2017